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There are two types of Permanent Residency:
Hicret Izni Permit – this is residency for life and was issued to Foreigners living in the TRNC before 2015 when the law on Permanent Residency changed. If you have this type of residency then you do not need to do re-affirm their residency status every 2 years
Beyaz Kimlik – this is permanent residency which has been issued since 2015 and is the current method of applying for permanent residency. The processes below describe how to apply for permanent residency. If you hold this type of permanent residency, it is dependant on you continuing to meet the permanent residency criteria, as described below and every 2 years you need to re-affirm you meet the conditions of residency by submitting the appropriate documentation.
A Permanent Residence Permit gives a Foreigner the right to reside in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus permanently, and enter and exit the TRNC freely. Permanent Residency is dependent on continuing to meet the requirements of the Residency Law, if you no longer meets the criteria your residency may be revoked.
Turks and other Foreigners (including Stateless citizens) over 18 years of age, their spouses and children under 18 years of age, who have lived in the island for a minimum of 6 years continuously (any periods outside of the island of less than 40 days, do not count as interruptions) are eligible to apply.
Persons must be of good character & behaviour, in good health and have employment in the TRNC with a salary sufficient to support him/her and their dependents or have sufficient income to demonstrate they are financially independent.
In addition a small number of Foreigners may be offered citizenship including:
⦁ Those working in Industrial, trade, tourism, social and economic fields or science, who have contributed exceptional service in technical, political or cultural fields
⦁ The spouses and children of those who participated or were martyred in the 1974 Peace Campaign.
⦁ Turkish citizens serving in the TRNC after 1st August 1958
Permanent Residency Permits are issued by the Temporary Residency permits & Work Permits Department (Ikamet Ofisi) within the Interior Ministry (İçişleri Bakanlıǧı).
Foreigners who are entitled to apply for a Permanent Residency Permit
⦁ Persons with a Work Permit and/or Starting a Business Permit
⦁ House Owner with a Guaranteed Income
⦁ Person Married to a TRNC Citizen
⦁ Child of a Foreigner who was born in the TRNC or <18 years when they moved to the TRNC
To qualify for a Permanent Residency Permit you must meet the requirements below:

Applicants must have valid health insurance either from the Department of Health (Saǧlık Bakanlıǧı) or an approved private health insurance policy. Health insurance must be kept up to date and shown to the Ministry every two years as proof that it is current. Lapsed insurance policies will render the Permanent Residence as null and void.
A foreign national who was born in the TRNC or who came to the TRNC before his 18th birthday, should apply within two years of reaching 18 years provided his parents are TRNC citizens or have had valid Work or Immovable Property Residency permits for at least 2 years.
The Working / Business Permanent Residency (White Kimlik Card) entitles you to work at any time during the period for which it is valid, without the need for a work permit.
Application Forms
Permanent Residency for Applicants with Work or Business Permissions
https://cyprusscene.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/form-for-work-and-business-permision-1_combined.pdf (English)
http://www.muhaceret.gov.ct.tr/Portals/132/yurttaslik%20calisma.pdf (Turkish)
Permanent Residency for Foreigners who own a property in the TRNC and can show sufficient income
The following Documents (Covering last 5 years) should be supplied with your application:
⦁ Criminal record check from the Turkish Embassy or from the Foreign National’s country
⦁ Character reference certificate – from main Police stations
⦁ Medical Report – Blood tests and TB check from State Hospital
⦁ Police Ins and Outs report
⦁ Muktar’s Residence form
⦁ Passport – Original & Copy
⦁ Property Title Deeds (Kocan) or Rental Agreement Contract
⦁ Income details (Maaş Bordrosu) and/or bank statements
⦁ Birth Certificate – Original & Copy (in Turkish or English)
⦁ If married – Marriage Certificate – Original & Copy (in Turkish or English)
⦁ Student certificate if applicant is a student
Permanent Residency due to Marriage to a TRNC Citizen
The following Documents (Covering last 5 years) should be supplied with your application:
⦁ Marriage Certificate (Original & Photocopy) - Both original and copy in English or Translation to English or Turkish if in another language than English
⦁ Applicant’s Birth Certificate (Original & Photocopy) - Both original and copy in English or Translation to English or Turkish if in another language than English
⦁ Letter from Mukhtar confirming residency together or if they live abroad form 5 (Housing Notification Form)
⦁ Citizen's TRNC identity card (Kimlik) - original and photocopy (+ citizenship certificate if TC originated)
⦁ (Photocopy of mother or father ID if born after 1974)
⦁ (Photocopies of the mother and/or father's ID card if of Cypriot descent)
⦁ Applicant’s passport (Original & Photocopy)
⦁ Diploma / Certificate of Applicant’s profession - if applicable (Original & Photocopy)
⦁ Police – Ins and Outs Report
⦁ The application is made in person and both partners must attend the application interview together
⦁ Divorce Certificate(s) (If it is not a first marriage)
⦁ If the applicant is a man, the subsequent Discharge Certificate must be ready.
⦁ Application Fee 130tl fee + 19.tl stamps
The fee for a permanent residency permit is 2000 tl and for 2 yearly confirmation is 250 tl.
For the confirmation process you should apply < thirty days from the date of the 1st Permanent Residence Permit. The notification form should be completed by the Residence Permit holder and gives to the Immigration Office with all supporting documents and a receipt certificate will be issued.
Criteria whereby Permanent Residency Permits may be revoked.

For more information, see FAQ
Source: KKTC Içişleri Bakanlığı
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